Updates, News and Progress
1. Pictures of progress throughout India
2. Joachim Claes – Published Book
1. Pictures of the remarkable progress in India – September 2018
Enjoy the pictures below or Click here if you would like to watch a 30 minute video presentation.
The Bhopal Campus
Arial view of the Brahmasthan of India
The dairy cows at Goshala for the Maharishi Vedic Pandits
More dairy cows at Goshala providing milk for the Pandits
This new section, under construction at the Brhamsthan, is for the Adbhutashanti Mandaps. Each Mandap building contains a fire pit for Hoven Yagyas and has a special tiered roof providing safe ventilation.
Construction on the second of five Adbhutashanti Mandap. This picture was taken during rainy season 2018.
These new paved roads allow easy walking during rainy season.
Walking pathways were constructed for the Pandits at the Brahmasthan of India.
Under construction at the Campus in Ayodhya which already has 500 Pandits.
Brahamananda Saraswati Nagar campus in Prayag-Alahabad with 500 Maharishi Vedic Pandits. This is one of three identical buildings.
Brahamananda Saraswati Nagar Campus in Rajamundry with 200 Pandits.
Campus in Vishwanath Charlaya with 200 Maharishi Vedic Pandits
Construction on the campus in Rajamundry with 200 Maharishi Vedic Pandits.
Construction on the campus in Rajamundry with 200 Maharishi Vedic Pandits
Maharishi Vidya Mandirs are academic schools for children age 6 – 18.
Maharishi School in Chennai. This is one of 191 Maharishi Schools in India.
Students at Maharishi Vidya Mandirs practicing Transcendental Meditation.
Students at Maharishi Vidya Mandirs practicing Transcendental Meditation.
Maharishi Centre for Educational Excellence in Bhopal with all buildings constructed according to Maharishi Vedic Architecture.
Students return on weekends to practice the TM and TM-Sidhi Programme
Newly created Maharishi Kids Home in perfect vastu
One of twelve Maharishi Kids Home for pre-primary age children
Wee children at Maharishi Kids Home
Wee children with their teachers at Maharishi Kids Home
Maharishi World Peace Movement is celebrated in India each year. In 2018 there were gatherings in over 200 cities with 300,000 events
One small group celebrating Maharishi World Peace Movement’s 10th year on Guru Purnima 2018
MahaMedia Magazines and Books are widely read in India. One new book explains Guru Dev and the beginning of Maharishi’s movement to revive Vedic India. An e magazine is also published called E-Gyan with 300,000 monthly subscribers.
The new book on Guru Dev and Maharishi is presented to a government official by the principal of the local Maharishi School.
Maharishi wanted guests from around the world to visit the Brahmasthan of India. On the Bijauri campus guests enjoy almost all organically grown food and live in beautiful vastu buildings.
Organic food is now being grown at the Brahmasthan. Recently planted are 4.5 acres of organically grown crops for the Brahmasthan guests and residents.
New relaxing canopies at the Guest Campus at the Brahmasthan
New relaxing canopies light up at night at the Guest Campus
2. Author Joachim Claes

On 6 October 2018 Joachim discussed his book, as the special guest speaker at the Ambassador Reception.
The Amassassador Reception can be viewed live, via Zoom. The Zoom app is free and very easy to download. The instructions for downloading the app are on our website at https://vedicpandits.org/ambassador-reception/. If you did not watch the programme live, it is available in our archives at https://vedicpandits.org/ambassador-reception/#archive
Joachim argues that the biggest paradigm shift in history is happening right now. We all know the power of the Maharishi Effect from personal experience in our group TM and Yogic Flying sessions. Without this personal experience, it is difficult for people to understand it, and therefore it’s not easy to convince them to support groups of Yogic Flyers.
Joachim Claes spent more than 15 years developing a successful system to achieve this end, which he covers in his book ‘The Field Paradigm: 50 EXPERIMENTS THAT CAN CHANGE THE WORLD’. This book ultimately became the basis of the Invincible Marketing TM website that Joachim created, has received 15 million visitors and tripled TM instructions in 55 countries.
Praise for Joachim’s book
Easy and enjoyable
‘Easy and enjoyable…One of the most important book you’ll ever read’ Howard Settle
Most important TM book ever written
‘I think this is the most important TM book ever written – from the point of view of making the incomprehensible promise of world peace obvious to anyone with any brains at all.’ Raja Richard Broome
It is a page turner
‘I am totally amazed. It is exactly what is needed to bring TM to the public. Such clear use of simple logic, such entertainment which will actually get them through it, and such deep understanding of the Knowledge, put in the language of the time. It is a page turner.’ Raja John Konhaus
The book, which anyone can download for free on www.fieldparadigm.com, takes the reader through an intellectual journey, introducing a new paradigm in which everyone and everything is connected. It uses analogies that are so simple and logical that anyone can understand them. Joachim’s aim was to explain the Maharishi Effect in such a clear way as to convince the reader, even before they have seen any scientific research. The book then introduces the experiments carried out on the Maharishi Effect, each being more convincing and impressive than the last. Joachim has made this scientific research accessible by presenting it in a narrative format. Positive events of the last century, e.g. the fall of the Berlin Wall, are linked to the Maharishi Effect. At this point the research becomes a confirmation of something they already believe, turning belief into conviction.
In his presentation, Joachim will give a quick explanation of his logic and describe how he takes an individual from being a non-believer to being a passionate supporter (even before they have any personal experience of Yogic Flying). He will also discuss the results of his first experiment with the book in Belgium, where close to 1000 copies of the book were given to meditators for free.
Joachim will share inspiring experiences of some passionate reactions he’s received from people who have read his book. There are international celebrities who instantly became vocal TM supporters after reading the book and decided to become Yogic Flyers. Government officials have also expressed an interest in seeing the Maharishi Effect implemented.