Milestones Towards Our Goal
- For the campus of 9,000 Maharishi Vedic Pandits, 1,700 acres (688 hectares) have been purchased not far from Jabalpur, in Madhya Pradesh, India, (The picture above was taken in 2013.)
- Accommodation for 2,500 Maharishi Vedic Pandits has already been finished. This includes infrastructure, administration buildings, dining and Yagya halls and a dairy – all built according to the principles of Sthapathya Veda, the Vedic science of architecture.
- Over 2,000 fully trained Maharishi Vedic Pandits are already in-residence and following the daily programme for creating peace.
- Accommodation for an additional 5,000 Pandits has been started but requires additional funding to be completed.
- The Guru Ji programme for training young student Pandits in their local villages was started over a decade ago and is continuing.
- Training for older students is ongoing at 46 residential training centres throughout India. Currently there are about 3,000 residential students enrolled.
- Two fundraising organizations for supporting the Global Peace Initiative have been established. Brahmananda Saraswati Foundation in USA and Brahmananda Saraswati Trust in The Netherlands are both registered charities in their respective countries.
- A volunteer network of national coordinators (‘Ambassadors’) has been set up to promote this initiative to people in 90 countries.
- In just a few years, the program to promote regular monthly donations has grown to provide $429,000 per month in Pandit support.
- Many national organisations within the worldwide Transcendental Meditation movement are also collecting funds to support the Maharishi Vedic Pandits.