During a National Yagya, your nation benefits from your support and — according to the principle of reciprocity “As you sow, so shall you reap” — you may notice some benefit as well. In the ancient Vedic tradition, the supporters of a Yagya are said to be beneficiaries. Below are experiences of those who have supported National Yagyas.
That knowledge which can help create World Peace
“Once you know that there is that knowledge which can help create World Peace and Heaven on Earth you think: oh, I have a responsibility here. But with it the bliss and the joy comes, and you get more than you give. …so for me it is an investment… and I mean it literally.” — Belgium
Life has been kind generally
“Many, many thanks to the National Yagyas. We’ve enjoyed the most peaceful August in Taiwan since 1947. There were no typhoons in August 2014. It’s just unbelievable for meteorologists! Life has been kind generally. to me and I just enjoy everything I’m doing. And I believe the credit goes to the National Yagyas we’ve done for Taiwan.” — Taiwan
Everything remains smooth
“It’s especially during my programs in the dome that I realise that, since the beginning of the National Maharishi Yagyas for our country, even if dramatic events take place in our lives, everything remains smooth, without big upheavals. The effect is much more profound than we really realise and that understanding makes me very thankful and joyful! ” — Netherlands
Below you can read about changes in a nation’s economic and political situation following the performance of a National Yagya. National Yagyas are performed with an intended purpose selected by the country. Examples of specific purposes are increased economic progress, national harmony, or reduced problems such as natural disasters, violence, or ailing economy. You can choose to sponsor the entire cost of a National Yagya. In this case, you or your company will be named in the Yagya and you can choose the intended purpose of the Yagya.
“By the way, this on-going National Yagya has also done a very powerful job! Two typhoons (CNN described the second one as a “monster typhoon”) just passed by and were unable to land on Taiwan! We had only some windy days and just enough rain for the reservoirs which had had shortage of water. Thank the National Yagya for keeping everyone and everything here safe. The worst was that some flights and trains were cancelled and some peoples’ travel plans were interrupted.”
Chin-Fen Lee – Ambassador for Taiwan
“After a number of Yagyas for Food Purity, a food producer in one of our big districts has gone GE free (only selling foods without genetically modified ingredients). Also, although we were up against some powerful pro GE lobby groups, the Hastings District Council approved a 10 year plan that makes any outdoor release of GMOs in agriculture or trials, a prohibited activity.
This is great news for all the GE free campaigners like myself.”
“During October and November we did two very large National Yagyas for harmonious progress in our country. At the end of 2015 we witnessed significant events happening in Argentina: the political and social changes during the October and November elections were conducted in an orderly and smooth way.”
“I think everybody has heard about terrorists who are in Syria and recently in Iraq. They declared that they would attack some
cities in Lebanon. In the last 10 days three attacks were prepared, but all failed because they were discovered in time by the
army and police. The news everywhere said: Lebanon was saved from a third failed terrorist attack: this is unexplainable;
this is a Divine Providence. We have experienced many similar situations like that before. This is not the first time. This
protection in Lebanon is clearly due to the accumulated effects of Maharishi National Yagyas over the last 3 years.
We have National Yagyas in every Yagya cycle – twice a month. This we will continue with to always keep Lebanon
protected. All gratitude to Maharishi’s programmes and to Maharishi Vedic Pandits in the Brahmasthan of India.”
Salim Haddad – Ambassador for Lebanon
“Maharishi National Yagyas for our country are one of the greatest blessings we have received. We are amazed at how during and
after the performance of our National Yagyas the experiences of the Meditators and Sidhas are excellent, in particular our donors,
while the entire country enjoys a greatly enhanced level of coherence and support in different areas of national life. We see in
news reports that the specific intention or Sankalpa of the National Yagya is reflected in the appropriate decisions made by country
leaders. We feel that the Maharishi National Yagya Programme is a powerful technique to harness the infinite organizing power
of natural law nationally as well as in specific areas. We are most grateful to Maharishi, Guru Dev for making
available this powerful technology to positively influence the trends of time.”
Paul Fabre – Ambassador for Colombia
Λίβανος, 2012
“Οι τακτικές Εθνικές Γιάγκιας ξεκίνησαν τον Ιανουάριο του 2011. Οι εντάσεις και οι εμφύλιες συγκρούσεις ήταν ασήμαντες, πολλές πολιτικές απόπειρες δολοφονίας απέτυχαν, τα σχέδια τρομοκρατών ανακαλύφθηκαν και αποτράπηκαν και οι ένοπλες συγκρούσεις προλήφθηκαν. Οι δωρητές των Γιάγκιας ανέφεραν υπέροχα προσωπικά αποτελέσματα. Ακόμα και ο πρόεδρος του Λιβάνου ανακοίνωσε ότι: «Ο Λίβανος βρίσκεται σε μία περίοδο απροσδόκητης σταθερότητας, από τον Ιανουάριο του 211 μέχρι σήμερα”.”
“Serbia suffered devastating floods a few months back. Kind donors and unexpected support for National Yagyas came just before the predicted next floods. During this time politicians were saying with amazement how lucky we were because the second wave of floods didn’t come. We are the only ones who know that this luck was supported by having Maharishi National Yagyas.”
Voja Trajkovic – Ambassador for Serbia
Γκάνα 2012
«Σας στέλνω αυτά τα νέα για τις τελευταίες εκλογές της Γκάνας, που έγιναν μετά την τελευταία μας Γιάγκια για τη χώρα. Έχουν περιγραφεί ως οι καλύτερες και οι πιο ειρηνικές στην ιστορία της χώρας. Το ότι αυτό συνέβη στην Αφρική λέει πάρα πολλά. Είμαστε ευγνώμονες σε εσάς και στην Ιερή Παράδοση των Δασκάλων μας και στον Μαχαρίσι τζι, που μας άφησε αυτή την σπουδαία γνώση. Επίσης ελπίζουμε να μπορέσουμε να συμβάλουμε λίγο στη δημιουργία ειρήνης.» Διευθυντής της κίνησης του Υ.Δ. στην Γκάνα
Special Yagyas are different from National Yagyas. Maharishi designed a series of Special Yagya performances to be enjoyed at important and transitional times in a person’s life. Special Yagyas are for:
- BIRTHDAYS: performed on the birthday
- WELL- BEING: performed on any day
- WEDDINGS: performed on the wedding day
- WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES: performed on the anniversary
- NEWBORN CHILDREN: performed 40 days after the birth
Below you can read about the experiences reported from recipients of Well-Being, Birthday and Wedding Anniversary Yagyas.
I felt some new strength and deep clarity in my being
“The night before my Well-Being Yagya already I felt some softness and lightness and joy in the air. Also on that particular day my Transcendental Meditation Programmes were deeper than ever before in an indescribably way. In the evening and during the following days I felt some new strength and deep clarity in my being.”
Τα πάντα συνέβαιναν χωρίς προσπάθεια
«Με εξέπληξε το βάθος της αίσθησης που είχα ότι τα πάντα γύρω μου συνέβαιναν αβίαστα, ειρηνικά και πολύ απαλά, στα γενέθλιά μου. Αυτή η μέρα ήταν σίγουρα διαφορετική από άλλα γενέθλιά μου. Ευχαριστώ τους οργανωτές της Γιάγκια.» E.K. — Καναδάς
The Most Happy I Can Recall
“Some situations that were stagnating started to move in the right direction. As for my birthday, it was the most happy I can recall in many years. It was a full week of celebrations, something that probably I have not had even in my star days as a teenager. I am very happy with the results of this performance. I wish the next birthday will come soon.”
Αισθάνομαι ευλογημένη
«Συνέβη μία σημαντική αλλαγή στη συνειδητότητά μου λόγω της Γιάγκια. Αισθάνομαι πολύ ευλογημένη. Οπωσδήποτε θα κάνω μία Γιάγκια γενεθλίων κάθε χρόνο.”D.D. — Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο
It was a wonderful experience
“This was my first Maharishi Yagya and it was a wonderful experience. I plan on having one every year. Starting the night before my birthday I felt intense waves of bliss. In the time since then many issues that I had been having for a long time were resolved (which was quite a relief) and I also have been feeling more blissful and content. If obstacles arise on a day-to-day basis they seem to dissolve more easily and my actions seem more efficient. Thank you for making these yagyas available.”
Η επίδραση ήταν προφανής
«Δεν περιμέναμε να μας επηρεάσει τόσο άμεσα η Γιάγκια, αλλά η επίδραση ήταν προφανής. Μου θύμισε το αποτέλεσμα μεγάλης διάρκειας σεμιναρίων με εκτεταμένη άσκηση του Υ.Δ. Το αποτέλεσμα είναι δύσκολο να εκφραστεί με λόγια, αλλά η εμπειρία είναι πεντακάθαρη.» J.S. — Η.Π.Α.
Something very special happened
“As soon as I paid for the Wedding Anniversary Yagya something very special happened in our relationship. Now it is as if everything is so clean, so transparent. It is a wonder that a Yagya can work, only by paying for it.”
Η φυσική κατάσταση της ζωής
«Το σώμα, τα συναισθήματά μου και οι καθημερινές μου δραστηριότητες λειτουργούν πιο ομαλά και εύκολα κατά τη διάρκεια των Γιάγκιας. Ακόμα και οι πιο δύσκολες καταστάσεις, είτε προσωπικές, είτε επαγγελματικές, είτε οικογενειακές, τακτοποιούνται χωρίς προσπάθεια. Αυτή είναι η φυσική κατάσταση της ζωής.»M.H. — Η.Π.Α.
The Yagya Blew Away Tiredness and Fear
“To make myself a Yagya present for my “sweet sixtieth” birthday was a very good decision. I had nice experiences during that day. I felt very happy, smooth and all my activities went more quiet and relaxed than usual. I still feel more hopefulness and my whole daily life seems supported. But the best is that my heart became more open and my meditations are deeper than before. It seems that the Yagya also blew away tiredness and fear from the past, they are gone and I really recommend to everybody to spare for a Birthday Yagya!.”
Life Flows More Smoothly
“The effect of the Yagyas is amazing – many I have talked to have noticed the same quality of experience as I have. Life flows so much more softly, support of Nature is constant in small and big ways, barriers are lifting. I can feel at peace with everything.”